Thank you Twerlyn for thinking of passing this on to me! Instructions:
1. Go to
2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box.
3. Use only the first page.
4. Insert the picture into your blog.
1. What is your relationship Status?

2. Type in your answer to the question in the "search" box.
3. Use only the first page.
4. Insert the picture into your blog.
1. What is your relationship Status?

4.What is your favorite movie?

5. What kind of pet do you have?

7. Where do you work?

8.What do you look like?

11. What is your favorite TV show?

13. What are you doing today?

14. What is your name?
15. What is your favorite Candy?

Now it's your turn: Honey/ Ate Bing/ RJ/ Laura/ Prily/ Bless/ Rich/ JK/ Michelle/ Apple/Sweetipie/ Babette
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