Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Ewoks is Sick and Down!

The family's little baby is not in his normal self the past couple of days. He is the naughtiest baby I have ever met that's why seeing him behaving in the corner of my room is a little way out of the ordinary.

Last month, we brought him to the vet for a checkup. His digestive system got some problems. Good thing he was not advised for confinement. After a month of recuperation from the illness, he's again beginning to feel weak He just sits quietly and doesn't feel like playing anymore.

The entire family was all worried again. Yesterday, he was brought to the vet for the second time in a span of 4 weeks for a general checkup. We were instructed to be very careful with the food we are giving him and we should see to it that he is chewing his food very well. We should serve him the food in bits and pieces so as to make sure that he won't swallow it whole.

This morning, he was up to his feet once more. He loves playing with his toys and with the boys. I can't wait to see him back to his naughty, normal self again!

Get well quick, Baby Ewoks!

Thank you Pictures, Images and Photos
A L L Y!


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