My father is very funny, he has a real good sense of humor. But often, he gets under my skin when he makes faces or always having fun at my expense. Not realizing that he is doing it just to make “lambing” to me. And how I hate it when he smokes! And how I miss those things that he did for me and our family... If I could just turn back the hands of time…

I will no longer argue with him…
I will not insist things just to have my own way, as if I always knew everything…
I won’t tell lies (white) for getting home late…
I won’t make excuses for all my shortcomings, lapses, or failures…
I will laugh my heart out with all his jokes…
sing along with his all-time favorite songs...
If only God would allow him to be with us again…
For him to know how much I’ve missed and love him…
The best time to let the person know you care about them is NOW…
When they are still able to communicate with you…
When they are still able to feel and appreciate that you care about them.
Let your feelings show and just let it flow…
When you look back, you could just say to yourself:
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“I was able to spend worthwhile moments with the people I care… No regrets, only wonderful memories… “