My friend and workmate, Flordelilyn and I had fun during the celebration of the Tuna Festival 2007 last September 5. A friend of Flor gave us free tickets to the All-Star concert at the Lagao Gymnasium. We have no plans of coming to the concert if not for the free tickets given to us, haha! Among the few artists who performed were Champagne Morales and Jolina Magdangal.
Champagne Morales gave her best performance. She performed like a concert queen! She gave the audiences' full satisfaction. These are some of her photos:

When it was Jolina's time to perform, the audience went wild. She sang some of her many famous songs. I like her get up that night- - skinny jeans with high-heeled sandals, sleeveless top with transparent overcoat designed with some beads and--- hmmmm, you better look at her photos, hehe.
After Jolina performed, Flor and I decided to watch Kuerdas' show at Oval Plaza. The people were on party mood. Looks like everyone were having fun and thumping their feet on the ground. Some were dancing to the beat of the reggae music.
It was a memorable night for me. It was one of those nights were I just want to have fun and laugh and laugh. We had an extremely good time! View blog reactions