Wednesday, October 31, 2007

AT 28

It was only yesterday when I was still playing at children’s playgrounds and parks… It was only yesterday when I turned 18… It was only a few days back when I graduated from college and landed my first job. It was only yesterday when I had my first boyfriend. It was only 4 years ago when I lost my father. It was three years ago when I have been boyfriendless after I had my second boyfriend. It was only a few months back when I met my Prince. It was only yesterday when I turned 28…

My journey through life hasn’t been that easy. Life has been topsy-turvy at times. But everyday is always a blessing. The mere fact that I’m still breathing is more than enough proof that I have been blessed. How can I forget how lucky and blessed I got this year? Three years of waiting for the right person who will be able to make your heart bounce for the rest of your life is such a long time. But everything is all worth the wait. My journey through forever has just began and I can not help but begin to count my blessings by far.

If anyone would ask me how I am, the only answer I can give is that I’m truly happy. It’s true that happiness can not be bought; it’s always felt in the heart. The Lord Almighty has been so good to me all these years, and for that, I return back all the glory to Him!

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