We were off to my mother's hometown last December 31 to celebrate New Year's Eve with a bang and at the same time to gather together as one big, happy family. It has been years since we were able to have our reunion. It's a little sad to think that the spirit of togetherness was forgotten for a couple of years due to some inevitable circumstances. Many hearts were overflowing with joy for the reason that our family was able to come together to celebrate the New Year and at the same time to renew our bonds as one big Olarte family.
Each family introduced its family members for everyone to see how much change had transpired since the last time we had our reunion. Some had gained too much weight, haha! And many cousins were already married with their kids in tow! And some were successful in their own chosen fields. Truly, reunions are a real good way of getting to renew camaraderie with relatives.

As a tradition, we come together in prayer before God when the clock hit 12 midnight. My Tita Yolly who travelled all the way from Davao City led the prayer. It was a very touching prayer for everyone. It was a rare occasion where everyone in the family, INC and non-INC, were able to feel His presence in our lives. It's indeed true that no words can ever describe how much we glorify His name for all the blesings He has given us. The blessing of having each other and the blessing of having to face the new year with renewed faith, hope and strength to combat all the trials that awaits us in 2008. Happy New Year to us all!
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