Thursday, July 10, 2008

Entrecard Drop List Clean Up

Over and above this post is a Master Linky pre-made widget which I placed more than two weeks ago. My goal is to come up with 300 links for me to regularly and religiously visit and drop cards to everyday. Unfortunately, some people who came across this blog isn't reading that much. I admit I am not a good writer. You can opt not to go back but P L E A S E, save me from the trouble of erasing your links. See the NOTE in bold font before putting your links. Some bloggers only see this as an opportunity to be linked up and get hits in return. Some even placed their links more than once while others have NO Entrecard account.
Today, I cleaned up my list and found out that a number of people listed above haven't even dropped a single card! This is an entirely selfish act. I have been dropping with them everyday, without fail. Good thing I've found it out today. I deemed it best to add in the list the regular droppers who always took time to drop their cards here in my site. I hope you wouldn't mind my placing your links in my Drop List. I am hoping this effort would be a win-win situation for us all.

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