Friday, January 8, 2010

Welcome to the World, Joshua and Jaiden!

It was in 2007 when my bestfriend gave birth prematurely. The baby died a few hours later because of heart problems. Being born after 7 months, she wasn't able to cope. I wonder what was the cause of such untimely demise.

Just last week, my Prince happily informed me via SMS that he is an Uncle again of two cute and adorable baby boys- Joshua and Jaiden.

Yes folks! They've got twins in the family!

I so admired Jeanette (my Princes' sis-in-law), for she was able to give birth normally to two healthy baby boys. Prior to giving birth, she was complete with prenatal vitamins and all other necessary nutrients needed by her body. Just click here for added details and information.

When she found out she's to have twins, the family was all too excited! I can just imagine Mummy Carol's face upon learning of the news. By choice, the couple (Jeanette and Mark) did not undergo further tests to know the twins' gender. They wanted to expect the babies with so much excitement.

And excitement it truly was! Joshua and David was born!

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