I can't believe I was able to accomplish all the things I need to do the past couple of days. The seminars here and there and the voluminous paper work to meet the deadlines made me want to run for the hills, LOL!
You see, I wasn't home for almost a week. We were housed at one hotel for our live-in GI and PCOS Training for the Board of Election Inspectors (BEIs). The BEIs are the public school teachers who were deputized by the COMELEC to handle the computerized voting come May 10, 2010.
I still go home though to change and prepare for my badminton game, check on my blogs, and publish some posts. I must admit I was in absentia for I failed to interact with my fave blogs because the outages here really sucks! It's simply impossible to accomplish everything with a 8-hour power failure every day.
I was able to manage my late night badminton workout inspite of it all. I don't know where I got all the zest and energy. I just had to go out and play to relieve myself from all the stress and pressures that work has brought me.
I need to mention that my cousin, Ally of In the Eyes of the Beholder just arrived for her 10-day vacation. Just too bad that we can't hang around that often as we used to do in the past because of my work. I have invited her out to play together with the mother and daughter tandem, Star and Lollii though during one of our badminton sessions:
Bloggers in Action!

Star, Lollii, Lainy and Ally
We were also able to have a tete-a-tete at one coffee shop here when I had my break at the seminar.

And yes!
Ally sure had a great time when we were able to hang around at the Kuerdas gig after the badminton game where Ally once more took center stage ;-)
On our way back to the hotel after watching the Kuerdas show

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