It was mid-morning today when Jessie sent me SMS informing me that I already ranked 3/10 at Google. I still couldn't believe it when I received that news from him. I wasn't even ranked 1! I wanted to confirm it myself so I asked him how'd he knew about the rankings. Jessie's site already ranked 4. Congrats, my friend! Your harwork did pay off and it's all worth the effort!
I am hopeful that the PR3 that Google just gave me would work to my advantage, i.e., more oopss. I lie lowed a bit coz I have been having terrible headaches for days. I can't stand to be in front of the PC for long because of my impaired vision (8.50 on both contact lenses). Too bad for me! Hopefully, this weekend, I can have more opportunities. PR's are obviously one motivating factor for us bloggers to blog with quality and passion.
Friday, January 11, 2008
My Page Was Ranked 3 By Google!
I opened the site Jessie gave me and he was right! That's only the time when I noticed the widgets I placed in my page, it's indeed PR 3 and it's staring me in the face!