I've been trying hard to control the habit of being an impulsive buyer. This character, I admit, is not very good because I tend to buy things which are not included in my budget. These things, later I realize, are not so essential in my daily existence. It means I could live without them even if i don't get to buy those stuffs. Huh! This habit really sucks! Window shopping doesn't get the better of me. Since last year, I can only count in my fingers the number of times I've been to the mall. That's pretty cool as I think about it because I haven't been tempted to buy things on impulse. Since then, I have tried to live with the adage: "Living within my means..." But I have one secret, too and I am letting the cat out in the bag now. I discovered a site wherein you can search for the things you want to buy. At Save Bucket, you can choose and buy things within the budget range you set for yourself. There are many items to choose from. You can price compare as well. So you get the chance of getting the item you want at your penny's worth! You can search for different items at Save Bucket by the category of your choice: Consumer Electronics, Home & Garden, Computer Hardware, Electronic Games, Clothing, Sport & Leisure and many more! Isn't this awesome? You can now easily buy things at an instant. Try Save Bucket now if you want to save time and effort.
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