Monday, February 2, 2009

Please Hear Our Plea!

In today's hard times where economic crisis and recession is being felt by almost all households in all parts of the world, the humungous problem of unemployment especially here in the Philippines needs attention and real concern from our government authorities. This problems couldn't be resolved if those people in power shall always point fingers at each other, complaining for everyone's faults, and do nothing but make themselves clean and untainted infront of the unemployed Filipinos.
It makes me really sick to see how these rich politician continues to sit in power and have a lavish life while the marginalized sector of our society continues to suffer from extreme poverty and hunger. The Filipino nation aren't actually asking much from the government. All we ask from them is to provide us with a vast array of opportunity for us not to look for greener pasture outside the Philippine shore.
Is it too much to ask to overhaul the present decaying system of government? Please provide jobs for the desperate jobless Filipinos. Jobs in logistics wouldn't be too bad as long as we have a job. Please hear our pleas and one thing I ask from those crooks in government service: GO DOWN! 

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