Saturday, February 21, 2009

What's Your Usual Sunday Routine?

For majority of Filipinos like me, Sunday is Family Day. It is the day we usually spend for ourselves and our loveones just at home sitting pretty and relaxing. Some would love to spend their time at the malls or watching movies.
As to my own routine, Sunday kicks off when my alarm rings at 3:30am. I have to force myself to get up from a deep slumber. After thanking God for the blessing of a new day, I have to tidy myself up for my church obligations. Sunday worship service begins at 6am but I need to be there before the clock hits 5am. That is a must for Church Officers.
My time spent for my church duties lasts until 9am. After that, I go home straight. I usually do not go anywhere on Sundays. Not unless if I choose to deviate from this Sunday ritual. I just stay at home and had always kept myself glued on my PC, haha!
Oh yes! Over the years, I have become a certified virtual slave, hahaha! Right after opening the door at home, I immediately head off to where PC is situated and turn it on. Most times, I haven't changed from my church uniform yet. I continue to do my daily routine of hopping, commenting and dropping my cards to fellow EntreCarders. It has become a habit that's so hard to break! Once done, I change my clothes and sleep. Getting a good and quality sleep is what I am deprived of since I got hooked on blogging. That's why I always cherish my Sundays because it's the only time I can get quality sleep.
I would also usually do some chores at home but not that much. I feel useless and guilty at times. It's because we only got 24 hours a day instead of 48 hours, hahaha! Anyways, the day won't end without me and my Prince updating each other on what had transpired for the entire day. That's the sweetest part of it all! I can't afford to have some distractions so the world practically stops when we are both talking. My online chores come to a halt for the duration of our talk and my focus and concentration is only on  him. When he is off to bed, that's the time I attend to all my blogging tasks again- doing opportunities, chatting with blogger friends, drafting some posts that comes to mind in random and finally goes to bed at 10pm. 
The routine goes similar each and every Sunday. Quite boring, huh! Sometimes I do get bored and everytime I tell my Prince how boring my day was, he would give me a short retort: "Just blog, Mahal".  I would reply back: "Oh no! I've had enough of blogging!" When those types of conversation takes place, it only means I had no opportunities at hand, and that means no moolah! Hahaha! Since I am no extrovert type of person, I love this type of routine where I could get to express myself freely through my blogs. Some may not like what I write but what the heck! It's a free world! I know I can not please everyone but hey! This is my blog ;-)  
Thank you for sticking and may we all have a splendid Sunday everyone! 

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