Wednesday, March 25, 2009

If You Feel Beautiful, You Look Beautiful!

Everyone of us have gone through the difficult stages of puberty. It is part of growing up that all of us have to contend with. In my growing up years, I am a very timid and demure girl. I always just keep my silence. Although I've got too many great friends, I am never one of those who are famous for being such a friendly gal. 

I really haven't enjoyed much of my younger years. I feel like I was a lost soul. You see, I have matured  at a  very young age. Life was very hard for us while me and my brothers are growing up. My parents got married pretty young. They have to make ends meet for us to survive. I have seen how hard life was during those times. I was the eldest and I vowed to myself I will help my family one day. In school, I hardly get all the things I wanted. I envy my classmates because their parents were able to give in at almost all their whims and caprices. 

One of the most difficult and trying times while I was growing up was when I have to hurdle the stages of puberty among other things. Getting pimples and acne had caused me at one point to get so depressed! There were times I wouldn't want to look at myself infront of the mirror. True enough, I lost my self-esteem. I was desperate to have a treatment for acne

Over the years, it stopped coming without me trying so hard for the medication. I am just too happy! I think it really goes with age. Now, I have those acne marks but I am not too bothered by them at all. I believe on what people have been saying: 

"If you feel beautiful, you look beautiful!"

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