Saturday, April 25, 2009

Looking Out for Another Dentist

I am scheduled to have my teeth cleaned for the second half of this year. However, I am currently suffering from tooth abscess. I don't exactly know why the previous treatment given to me by my own dentist did not work. I had a very bad experience with this dentist. A few years back, she diagnosed me to have one impacted tooth and there was a need for me to undergo a minor surgery. I took a leave from work for one week. I was willing to go through the process of the minor operation just to have the impacted tooth removed. 

Mind you! She diagnosed me without taking any X-RAY of the tooth in question. When I was there lying down on the patient's chair, anaesthesia injected, and she was trying hard looking for the tooth, she couldn't find it anymore! And she was able to slice a portion of where she thought the tooth was; just to find out that it wasn't there! 


Then she advised me to go to another dentist for the X-ray! With all the bleeding, another dentist found out that there really wasn't any impacted tooth at all in the first place! 

I haven't really learned my lesson. I went to the same dentist with my current tooth problem. But one friend advised me to go look for another dentist and have my tooth X-rayed first before deciding to go any further. I am contemplating on doing just that. 

I wonder if Plano Dentist is available here in the Philippines. I don't want to pursue my trip for the Mindanao Goodwill Games 2009 having a toothache. I know it will make my life hell. 

Well, I will take some time out to have my tooth checked before the scheduled trip on May 7. It is very necessary. 

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