Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Memorable Moments

I have been asking around for a good place to stay at Manila. My Prince and I will be staying there for two nights right after his arrival. He thinks he will be a little tired from the trip after his arrival from Sydney and making another trip going home to Gensan would make him so so tired. We will be staying at one of my friend's house.

No free hotel night for us.

Both of us are a little apprehensive to stay on places we aren't sure if we could be really safe. Both of us are srangers to the place so it's better to keep ourselves grounded. We both agreed that it would be better of we stay at some local friends of mine. We won't be going out much. All we really wanted to do during our stay there is to attend the worship service at the Central Temple.

My Prince and I are both so excited for his upcoming visit. He will be staying for only two weeks but we are going to make sure that it's something that we will both cherish for the rest of our lives.

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