Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Darts: A New Hobby By Force

For almost two weeks now, I strive to venture into  a different endeavor. It is an open book that blogging is my lone past time.  Another hobby came into the picture and it was introduced to me by force. I just had no choice.  

I was listed down as one of the players for the Commission's Mindanao Goodwill Games to be held at Prosperidad, Agusan Del Sur on May 7-11, 2009. This is entirely way out of my comfort zone! You can imagine the look on my face when my big boss blurted out that I need to practice darts because I will be representing Region XII for the competition! 

Sweet heavenly! 

Of course I reasoned out I am handicapped. I have a very poor vision. But the boss explained that they can't find anyone who have the access to play and the time to practice. So I really have no choice. 


You see, all the boys at work play darts. They have been joining competitions and one of the girls at work made it to Top 4 once in the National Darts Federation after about almost 2 weeks of extensive practice. We even have our own dart board in the office! It has become a real  hobby for them. 

I am left with no choice but to work my a$$ off during 
practice. The first two days of practice gave me excruciating pains on my arms and shoulders! In between breaks, I always see to it that I am holding a dart shaft. The boys were real patient with me in teaching me how to do things. 

See the photos below for proofs ;-)

The Big Boss and Star of The Maiden's Testimony with a dart board behind us ;-)


Is this for real???? 

With exactly one more week before the competition, I am still a work in progress.  I am not a potential winner but I have learned to love the game ;-) 

Thank you Pictures, Images and Photos
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