Saturday, August 29, 2009

My Dream of Becoming a Lawyer

When I was younger, I dreamt of becoming a lawyer, In fact, I took a Bachelor's degree in Political Science as an undergraduate course. During my final year in college, it was time to take the entrance exams for the law school. There were about 5 of us in the class, including me, who did not take the exams. It was for the reason that I had to put off school and decided to find a good job after graduation. I wanted to be of help to my family financially. And since here in the city, there's only one law school who offers night classes to aspiring lawyers, at the time, I didn't think I could serve two masters at the same time. I enrolled instead in the Graduate School program.

Had I enrolled in the law school and made it to the Bar Exams, my father would have been so proud of me. It was his dream to have a lawyer in the family. Anyways, who knows? I could still be one of the Seattle personal injury attorneys if I decide to pursue my dream and settle in Seattle.

Sometimes, the call of pursuing that dream is just too tempting because I am an organic employee of the COMELEC. But since, my Prince and I have other things in mind, I had to somehow let go of that dream.

Maybe it's not for me.

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