Thursday, October 22, 2009

For Lainy And Michelle

Lainy, Michelle a.k. a. Mystique and yours truly, as you all can see, are really close. We treat each other like sisters even though we're only 1st degree cousins through our moms. All three of us are the only girls in each of our families. Maybe that explains why we get along. We found sisterhood amongst each other.

When we were still young, like when I was in elementary days and them in high school, I used to get a lot of hand-me-down clothes from them. That's what always happen when you're the youngest. Lucky me, eh? We didn't have a lot of playtime together since they were a bit older than I am. I get bored when I was with them since they were both bookish and spend the whole day reading romance pocketbooks. I am the outdoorsy type. I would rather play mud with the boys than read books! Lol! I only get to see them during summer vacations since it takes a bus ride before I can get to each of their places.

We just got really close when I was in college. Michelle and I rented a place together when she used to be a disc jockey on a local radio station near my school. I get to see more of Lainy by that time since I had gigs with Kuerdas Band in GenSan. We got to talk to each other a lot. And I found out that we actually have a lot of things in common.

Both of them are really fun to be with. Lainy is the smart yet naive type so Michelle and I used to laugh at her naivete. It's still funny sometimes even though we only get to talk to her through YM chat or text messages. Actually all 3 of us are smart that's why we jive. Hahaha!

Michelle is the sanguine type. I mean the most gutsy among us. She's the first one who had the courage of setting off here in Manila. And it turns out that she's the first to get married soon! Lol! Lainy have been worrying about her wedding which is a year from now. As usual, Michelle is going to worry about it maybe a month before the wedding day! hahahaha!

I, on the other hand, is the cool type. I don't know. I just don't want to get stressed out, ya know. I'm a little bit of both of them. Just somewhere in the middle - the safe side! hahaha! My Mom can't help it sometimes but to compare me to them (e.g. love life and career but most of the time love life). Even ask me when I'm gonna settle down. I don't know why she keep asking me that question when I don't even have a boyfriend??? Lol!

I just love these cousins of mine. I actually look up to them even when I was young. I hope that even if we get old and aged gracefully, we'd still be like sisters.

I am truly happy for the success of each of your love life and career! I want you both to know that I am so grateful to have such wonderful cousins! Thanks for the love and concern and for the hand-me-down clothes! Lol! I'll always be here! Love you both!

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