Friday, November 20, 2009

Health Care Makes Me Feel Brand New

It has been a period of learning for me. I have been more purposeful about improving my health condition. This is something that I kept procrastinating and it was Windy of Windmill on the Hill who insisted that I really take serious measures to get my health back on track.

He persuasively goaded me on, convincing me to take baby steps in doing the right things. But there were times he chided me for being inconsistent and he meant well. I find Windy a dependable friend from whom I learned a good deal about personal health care.

He also spoke about how his second son is a body fitness freak. LOL! Well that’s definitely not my bowl of soup. Can you imagine me pumping up my biceps and turning into an Amazon woman?

However, body fitness is not merely biceps. There are several valuable points that can be learned from body fitness. From example at Kettlebells, there are various forms of physical workouts that enable anyone to get his body trim and fit. Now, that would interest for both, woman and man.

Right now, Windy keeps reminding me about my need to do physical exercise everyday. It is just taking a thirty minutes walk outside my home before I attempt anything more physically strenuous. I’ve been doing it and I admit that it is helping my health recovery.

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