Saturday, January 30, 2010

Live Life in Moderation

My return to blogging entails a lot of time is again being spent infront of my PC. As a result of this, I couldn't help myself from lingering much interacting with blogpals. What seems to be physically evident is eye puffiness and the dark circles under my eyes.

Well, I am not at all worried. No reasons to fret because I know of the best eye cream for dark circles.

But for health reasons, I should not be tolerating myself from staying up so late. It won't be good for my blood pressure.

Well, for as long as I get a complete 8-hour of sleep a day, that should do it. And never forget my badminton sessions, too! Can't you tell I am hooked up? LOL!

Living life in moderation is the thing I should always remember. That will certainly create balance in every aspect of my life.

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