I am still here. Somehow, I am too happy to be infront of the PC once more after a taxing and grueling days at work since Friday. My sked is even tougher today, Sunday. My usual blogging routine which is spent solely for Sundays was spoiled. Yes, I still have to report for work on a Sunday. My daily routine won't be as normal as it is before until the election day is over.
We are currently conducting a training for the General Instructions and PCOS operation for the Board of Election Inspectors (BEI's) who shall be the COMELEC's frontliners come May 10, 2010.
The rotational outages down here made things even more difficult for me. My usual blogging activities were disrupted. I have missed going through my favorite blogs and interacting with them. I will try to keep up though when things get normal and better.
The recent activities at work made it very impossible for me to do all things at the same time. It's a good thing that quite a number of drafts were prepared in my other Blog, Lainy's Musings. All I need to do is hit the publish button.
For now, I ask for your understanding and patience.
Thank you.

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