Friday, May 15, 2009

My Mother's Birthday Celebration

My apologies for having not updated this blog. I have been basically lazing around the entire week. Forgive my indolence. I am aware that this post is long overdue. I was out for 5 days and upon my return, there were quite a number of deadlines to beat for paid reviews. 

My mother's birthday celebration is a very simple one. A few relatives were around to celebrate wih us. The beach became the ultimate venue for the celebration as it was a holiday- Labor Day. Although we expected the mammoth crowd as we entered the vicinity, we were surprised to see the place overflowing with crowd obviously families bonding together. 

The children obviously had fun. All of us contented ourselves with the sumptuous foods laid down on the table. 

We couldn't get enough of the celebration. Incidentally, Kuerdas got a Street Party show the night of my mother's birthday. So we all went there and enjoyed the night to the beat of reggae music. 

No! Di kami uminom, promise! ;-)


All of us had such a grand time. My mother took center stage everytime the band greets her time and again a very happy special day. My brothers also expressed on stage how much they adore and love our mother dearie. 

On my mother's golden birthday celebration next year, we are expecting a very different celebration. You've got to watch out for that! 

Thank you Pictures, Images and Photos
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